Introduction 2024

We know how it feels to come alone to a new, strange city and start a new education. The introduction is for you to get to know new people as quickly and painlessly as possible and to be introduced to the fantastic years that you will spend here in Lund. There are many of us who will make sure that it will be a good introduction for you! We are the Phøs, the Pepp, the Phaddrar, the festivites committee and the student social worker.

The first five weeks that you will experience in Lund are thus largely planned by us and are called introduction (“Nollning” in Swedish).

New students at LTH are called “Nollor”, and not novices as in the rest of Lund. You are a Nolla right up until the Nollegasquen, a large and formal party held at the end of the introduction. After a well-executed introduction and a fantastic sitting, you can rightfully call yourself a full-fledged “Etta”!

If you are worried and have heard about a introduction where the nollor are doused in copious amounts of alcohol and humiliated by older students, we can immediately put your mind at ease! The intro you will experience at LTH is a lovely few weeks of fun, mixed activities where we get to know each other together in pleasant and friendly ways. You will be well received by several Phaddrar who will do everything to make you feel at home in the study environment and in Lund as a city.

All intro activities are of course voluntary, with the exception of the daytime activities during reading week 0 (the first intro week, these are organized by the program management and study guidance). But the majority of nollor participate in everything precisely to find new friends, fellow students faster and more easily and to make themselves at home in their new study environment.

